

NarcotiX! Your entry to a new type of hedonism. A chance to connect with an illicit network of mind and matter-meddling outlaws and dice-rolling experience junkies! Will you get hooked (or crooked) on a feeling? Save your stash for a metaversal rainy day? Or play it straight, exploit the cyber fiends and make that skrilla? The year is 2088. Digitally augmented reality is now just reality. Everything is done in the Metaverse. You go to work there. You meet your friends there. You find the love of your life and get married there. Then get dumped there. But, despite neural and physiological linking meaning you should have the best (and worst) of both worlds: the full spectrum of human experience PLUS the limitless potential of a computer-generated universe... it has become… SO BORING. Since being hijacked by the powers that be it has been… Homogenised. Sanitised. Regulated. No creativity. No chaos. No unsanctioned fun. But we have the antidote. Antidotes. These little digital pills. Unlawful mods and hacks to re-gamify this game of life. All unique (in more ways than one...). So come into our world! Just a little taste. Everybody’s doing it…
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